Research Interests
- Information behavior, information management, information strategy
- Information governance, IT governance, enterprise governance
- Data science, data analytics, business analytics, data management
- Digital business transformation, business innovation models
- Senior executives information behavior
- Adoption, use, and effects of information management on business processes and organizations
- IT audit, Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Ph.D.: Senior Executives’ Use of Information Technology

An extensive study was conducted to investigate the factors that influence the use of Information Technology by senior executives. A large number of senior managers drawn from twenty-one different multinational, European-based companies participated in the field study. The book describes the results of the research study and gives guidelines how to improve Information Technology usage. In the very near future every senior executive will lack the luxury of dedicated staff to answer all her questions. Fortunately, only a few measures are needed for every single executive to become an IT savvy user and, hence, have access to better information leading in turn to more effective decision-making.
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Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
A large number of studies have been conducted using the original Technology Acceptance Model or an extended version. The following list may serve as a point of reference for those interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of TAM. The lists below consists only of renowned journals, magazines, and conferences. The lists has been defined as part of my PhD study on Senior Executives' Use of Information Technology.
PS: Due to the large number of articles that are now being published using TAM, from December 2003 this enumeration will not be maintained anymore.
- Adams, D.A., R.R. Nelson & P.A. Todd (1992), 'Perceives Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Usage of Information Technology: A Replication', MIS Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 227-247
- Agarwal, R. & J. Prasad (1998), ‘The antecedents and consequents of user perceptions in information technology adoption’, Decision Support System, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 15-29
- Agarwal, R. & J. Prasad (1999), ‘Are Individual Differences Germane to the Acceptance of New Information Technologies?’, Decision Sciences, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 361-391
- Agarwal, R. & E. Karahanna (2000), ‘Time Flies When You’re Having Fun: Cognitive Absorption and Beliefs About Information Technology Usage‘ MIS Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 665-694
- Aladwani, A.M. (2002), ‘The development of two tools for measuring the easiness and usefulness of transactional Web sites’, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 223-234
- Al-Gahtani, Said S. & M. King (1999), ‘Attitudes, satisfaction and usage: factors contributing to each in the acceptance of information technology’, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 277-297
- Al-Gahtani, Said S. (2001), ‘The Applicability of TAM Outside North America: An Empirical test in the United Kingdom', Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 37-46
- Anandarajan, M., M. Igbaria & U.P. Anakwe (2000), ‘IT acceptance in a less-developed country: a motivational factor perspective', International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 47-65
- Bajaj, A. & S.R. Nidumolu (1998), ‘A feedback model to understand information system usage’, Information & Management, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 213-224
- Benamati, J. & T.M. Rajkumar (2002), ‘The Application Development Outsourcing Decision: An Application of the Technology Acceptance Model’, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp . 35-43
- Benbunan-Fich, R. (2001), ‘Using protocol analysis to evaluate the usability of a commercial web site,Information & Management, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 151-163
- Bhattacherjee, A. (2001), ‘An empirical analysis of the antecedents of electronic commerce service continuance’, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 201-214
- Bhattacherjee, A. (2001), ‘Understanding Information Systems Continuance: An Expectation-Confirmation Model’, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 65-79
- Boonstra, A. (2001), ‘Interpretive perspective on the acceptance of an electronic prescription system’, Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 27-42
- Brosnan, M.J. (1999), ‘Modeling technophobia: a case for word processing’, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 105-121
- Brown, S.A., A.P. Massey, M.M. Montoya-Weiss & J.R. Burkman (2002), ‘Do I really have to? User acceptance of mandated technology’, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 283-295
- Chau, P.Y.K (1996), 'An Empirical Assessment of a Modified Technology Acceptance Model', Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 185-204
- Chau, P.Y.K. (2001), ‘Influence of Computer Attitude and Self-Efficacy on IT Usage Behavior’, Journal of End User Computing, Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 26-33
- Chau, P.Y.K. & Hu, P.J. (2001), ‘Information Technology Acceptance by Professionals: A Model Comparison Approach’, Decision Sciences, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 699-719
- Chau, P.Y.K. and Hu, P.J. (2002), ‘Investigating healthcare professionals' decisions to accept telemedicine technology: An empirical test of competing theories’, Information & Management, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 297-311
- Chau, P.Y.K. & Hu, P.J. (2002), ‘Examining a model of information technology acceptance by individual professionals: An exploratory study’, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 191-229
- Chau, P.Y.K. & V.S.K. Lai (2003), ‘An empirical investigation of the determinants of user acceptance of Internet banking’, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 123-146
- Chen, L., M.L. Gillenson & D.L. Sherrell (2002), ‘Enticing online consumers: an extended technology acceptance perspective’, Information & Management, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 705-719
- Chen, Y. & H. Lou (2002), ‘Toward an understanding of thebehavioral intention to use a groupware application’, Journal of End User Computing, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-16
- Cheung, W., M.K. Chang & V.S. Lai (2000), ‘Prediction of Internet and World Wide Web usage at work: a test of an extended Triandis model’, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 83-100
- Chin, W.W. & A. Gopal (1995), ‘Adoption Intention in GSS: Relative Importance of Beliefs’, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2&3, pp. 42-63
- Chismar, W.G. & S. Wiley-Patton (2003), ‘Does the Extended Technology Acceptance Model Apply to Physicians’, in: Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Los Alamitos
- Chuan-Chuan Lin, J. & H. Lu (2000), ‘Towards an understanding of the behavioural intention to use a web site’, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 197-208
- Compeau, D., C.A. Higgins & S. Huff (1999), ‘Social Cognitive Theory and Individual Reactions to Computing Technology: A Longitudinal Study’, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 145-158
- Dasgupta S., M. Granger & N. McGarry (2002), ‘User Acceptance of E-Collaboration Technology: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model’, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 87-100
- Davis, F.D. (1989), ‘Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology’, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 13, pp. 319-339
- Davis, F.D. (1993), 'User acceptance of information technology: system characteristics, user perceptions and behavioral impacts', International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 475-487
- Davis, F.D., R.P. Bagozzi & P.R. Warshaw (1989), 'User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models', Management Science, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 982-1003
- Davis, F.D., R.P. Bagozzi & P.R. Warshaw (1992), ‘Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation to Use Computers in the Workplace’, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 14, pp.1111-1132
- Davis, F.D. & V. Venkatesh (1996), 'A critical assessment of potential measurement biases in the technology acceptance model: three experiments', International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 19-45
- Devaraj,S., M. Fan & R. Kohli (2002), ‘Antecedents of B2C Channel Satisfaction and Preference: Validating e-Commerce Metrics’, Information Systems Research, Vol. 13,No. 3, pp. 316-333
- Dillon, T.W., M. Garner, J.-P. Kuilboer & J.D. Quinn (1998),‘Accounting Student Acceptance of Tax Preparation Software’, Journal of Accounting and Computers, Vol. 13
- Dishaw,M.T & D.M. Strong (1999), ‘Extending the technology acceptance model with task-technology fit constructs’, Information & Management,Vol.36, No. 1, pp. 9-21
- Dolen, W.M. van & Ruyter (2002), ‘Usin Moderated group chat: An empirical assessment of a new e-service encounter, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.496
- Doll, W.J, A. Hendrickson & X. Deng (1998), ‘Using Davis’s Perceived Usefulness and Ease-of-use Instruments for Decision Making: A Confirmatory and Multigroup Invariance Analysis’, DecisionSciences, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 839-869
- Featherman, M.S. &P.A. Pavlou (2003), ‘Predicting e-services adoption: a perceived risk facets perspective’, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp.451-474
- Fenech,T. (1998), ‘Using perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness to predict acceptance of the World Wide Web’, Computer Networks & ISDN Systems, Vol. 30, No. 1-7, pp. 629-630
- Gefen,D. (2000), ‘It is not enough to be responsive: the role of cooperative intentions in MRP II adoption’, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Vol.31, No. 2,pp. 65-79
- Gefen, D.(2003), ‘TAM or just plain habit: A look at experienced online shoppers’, Journal of End User Computing, Vol.15, No. 3, pp. 1-13
- Gefen,D. & D.W. Straub (1997), 'Gender Differences in the Perception and Use of E-Mail: An Extension to the Technology Acceptance Model', MIS Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 389-400
- Gefen,D. & M. Keil (1998), ‘The Impact of Developer Responsiveness on Perceptions of Usefulness and Ease of Use: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model’, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2,pp. 35-49
- Gefen,D. & D.W. Straub (2000), ‘The Relative Importance of Perceived Ease-of-Use in IS Adoption: A Study of E-Commerce Adoption’, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.1, Article 8
- Gefen,D., D.W. Straub & M. Boudreau (2000), 'Structural Equation Modeling and Regression: Guidelines for Research Practice’, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 4,Article 7
- Gefen,D., E. Karahanna & D.W. Straub (2003), ‘Trust and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model’, MIS Quarterly, Vol.27, No. 1, pp. 51-90
- Gefen, D., E. Karahanna & D.W. Straub (2003),‘Inexperience and experience with online stores: The importance of TAM and trust', IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 307
- Gefen, D. & C.M. Ridings (2003), ‘IT Acceptance: Managing User – IT Group Boundaries’, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 34, No. 3,pp. 25-40
- Gentry,L. & R. Cantalone (2002), ‘A Comparison of Three Models to Explain Shop-Bot Use on the Web’, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 945-955
- Ghorab, K.E. (1997), ‘The Impact of Technology Acceptance Considerations on System Usage, and Adopted Level of Technological Sophistication: An Empirical Investigation', InternationalJournal of Information Management, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp.249-259
- Green, C.W.(1998), ‘Normative influence on the acceptance of information technology - Measurement and effects’, Small Group Research, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 85-123
- Hackbarth, G., V. Grover & M.Y. Yi (2003), ‘Computer playfulness and anxiety: positive and negative mediators of the system experience effect on perceived ease of use’, Information & Management, Vol. No. 3, pp. 221-232
- Hardgrave, B.C. & R.A. Johnson (2003), ‘Toward an information systems development acceptance model: The case of object-oriented systems development’, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 322
- Haynes, R.M. & E.A. Thies (1991), ‘Management of Technology in Service Firms’, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 388-397
- Heijden,H. van der (2003), ‘Factors influencing the usage of web sites: the case of a generic portal in The Netherlands’, Information & Management, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 541-549
- Henderson,R., D. Rickwood & P. Roberts (1998), ‘The beta test of an electronic supermarket’, Interacting with Computers, Vol.10, No. 4, pp. 385-399
- Henderson, R. & M.J. Divett (2003), ‘Perceivedusefulness, ease of use and electronic supermarket use’, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 383-395
- Hendrickson,A.R. & M.R. Collins (1996), ‘An Assessment of Structure and Causation of IS Usage’, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 27, No. 2,pp. 61-67
- Hong, W.Y., J.Y.L. Thong, W. Wai-Man & K.Y. Tam(2002), ‘Determinants of User Acceptance of Digital Libraries: An Empirical Examination of Individual Differences and System Characteristics’, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 97-124
- Horton, R.P., T. Buck, P.E. Waterson & C.W. Clegg (2001),‘Explaining intranet use with the technology acceptance model’, Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 237-249
- Hu, P.J., P.Y.K.Chau, O.R. Liu Sheng & K.Y. Tam (1999),‘Examining the Technology Acceptance Model Using Physician Acceptance of Telemedicine Technology’, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.91-112
- Huang, W., J. D’Ambra & V. Bhalla (2002), ‘An empirical investigation of the adoption of eGovernment in Australian citizens: Some unexpected research findings’, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 15-22
- Hubona, G.S. & E. Kennick (1996), The Influence of External Variables on Information Technology Usage Behavior, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Hawaii International Conference onSystem Sciences, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Los Alamitos
- Hubona,G.S. & S. Geitz (1997), External Variables, Beliefs, Attitudes and Information Technology Behavior, in: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Hawaii International Conference on SystemSciences, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Los Alamitos
- Hubona, G.S. & A. Burton-Jones (2003), ‘Modelingthe User Acceptance of E-Mail’, in: Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Los Alamitos
- Igbaria,M. (1994), ‘An examination of the factors contributing to microcomputer technology acceptance’, Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, Vol. 4,No. 4, pp. 205-224
- Igbaria,M. & J. Iivari (1995), 'The Effects of Self-efficacy on Computer Usage', OMEGA International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 23, No. 6,pp. 587-605
- Igbaria,M., T. Guimaraes & G.B. Davis (1995), ‘Testing the Determinants of Microcomputer Usage via a Structural Equation Model’, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 87-114
- Igbaria,M., S. Parasuraman & J. Baroudi (1996), ‘A Motivational Model of Microcomputer Usage', Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 127-143
- Igbaria,M., N. Zinatelli, P. Cragg & A.L.M. Cavaye (1997), ‘PersonalComputing Acceptance Factors in Small Firms: A Structural Equation Model', MIS Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 279-305
- Jackson,C.M., S. Chow & R.A. Leitch (1997), ‘Towards an Understanding of the Behavioral Intention to Use an Information System', Decision Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 357-389
- Jiang, J.J., M.K. Hsu & G. Klein (1999),‘E-commerce user behavior model: An empirical study’, Human Systems Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 265-276
- Karahanna,E. & D.W. Straub (1999), ‘The psychological origins of perceived usefulness and ease-of-use’, Information & Management, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 237-250
- Karahanna,E. & M. Limayem (2000), ‘E-Mail and V-Mail Usage: Generalizing Across Technologies’, Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce, Vol. 10,No. 1, pp. 49-66
- Keil,M., P.M. Beranek & B.R. Konsynski (1995), 'Usefulness and ease of use: Field study evidence regarding task considerations', Decision Support Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 75-91
- Koufaris,M. (2002), ‘Applying the technology acceptance model and flow theory to online consumer behavior’, Information Systems Research, Vol. 13,No. 2, pp. 205-223
- Kwon, H.S. & L. Chidambaram (2000), A Test of the Technology Acceptance Model – The Case of Cellular Telephone Adoption, in: Proceedings of the 33th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Comput. Soc.Press, Los Alamitos
- Lederer, A.L.,D.J. Maupin, M.P. Sena & Y. Zhuang (2000), ‘Thetechnology acceptance model and the World Wide Web’, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 269-282
- Lee, K.C. & S. Lee (2003), ‘Cognitive map simulation approach to adjusting the design factors of the electronic commerce websites’, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-11
- Lee, J.-S., H. Cho, G. Gay, B. Davidson & A.Ingraffea (2003), ‘Technology Acceptance and Social Networking in Distance Learning’, Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 50-61
- Legris,P., J. Ingham & P. Collerette (2003), ‘Why do people use information technology? A critical review of the technology acceptance model’, Information & Management, Vol.40, No. 3, pp. 191-204
- Lending,D. & L.L. Chervany (2002), ‘Case tool use and job design: A restrictiveness/flexibility explanation’, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 81-90
- Liaw,S.S. (2002), ‘Understanding user perceptions of World-wide web environments’, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 137-148
- Liaw, S.-S. & H.-M. Huang (2003), ‘Aninvestigation of user attitudes toward search engines as an information retrieval tool’, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 751-765
- Lim,J. (2003), ‘A conceptual framework on the adoption of negotiation support systems’, Information and Software Technology, Vol.45, No. 8, pp. 469-477
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- Lou,H., W. Luo & D. Strong (2000), ‘Perceived critical mass effect on groupware acceptance', European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 91-103
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- Lu,H-P. & D.H. Gustafson (1994), ‘An Empirical Study of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on Computerized Support System Use Over Time’, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 317-329
- Lu,H.-P., H.-J. Yu & S.S.K. Lu (2002), ‘The effects of cognitive style and model type on DSS acceptance: An empirical study’, European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 131, No. 3, pp. 649-663
- Lucas, H.C. & V.K. Spitler (1999), ‘Technology Use and Performance: A Field Study of Broker Workstations’, Decision Sciences, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 291-311
- Lucas, H.C. & V.K. Spitler (2000), ‘Implementation in a world of workstations and networks', Information & Management, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 119-128
- Malhotra,Y. & Galletta, D.F. (1999), Extending the Technology Acceptance Model to Account for Social Influence: Theoretical Bases and Empirical Validation, in: Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEEComput. Soc. Press, Los Alamitos
- Mathieson,K. (1991), 'Predicting User Intentions: Comparing the Technology Acceptance Model with the Theory of Planned Behavior', Information Systems Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 173-191
- Mathieson, K., E. Peacock & W.C. Chinn (2001), ‘Extending the Technology Acceptance Model: The Influence of Perceived User Resources’, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems,Vol.32, No. 3
- Montazemi, A.R., D.A. Cameron & K.M. Gupta (1996), ‘An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting Software Package Selection’, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 89-105
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- Morris, M.G. & A. Dillon (1997), 'How User Perceptions Influence Software Use', IEEE Software, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 58-65
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- Olson, J.R. & K.K. Boyer (2003), ‘Factors influencing the utilization of Internet purchasing in small organizations’, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 225-245
- Pavlou,P.A. (2003), ‘Consumer Acceptance of Electronic Commerce: Integrating Trust and Risk with the Technology Acceptance Model’, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 69-103
- Phillips,L.A., R. Calantone & M.-T. Lee (1994), 'International Technology Adoption: Behavior Structure, Demand Certainty and Culture', Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 16-28
- Pijpers,A.G.M., T.M.A. Bemelmans, F.J. Heemstra & K.A.G.M. van Montfort (2001), ‘Senior executives’ use of information technology’, Information and Software Technology, Vol. 43, No. 15, pp. 959-971
- Plouffe,C.R., J. Hulland & M. Vandenbosch (2001), 'Richness versus Parsimony in Modeling Technology Adoption Decisions: Understanding Merchant Adoption of a Smart Cart-Based Payment System,InformationSystems Research, Vol.12, No. 2, pp. 208-222
- Rai,A., S.S. Lang & B. Welker (2002), ‘Assessing the validity of IS success models: An empirical test and theoretical analysis’, Information Systems Research, Vol.13, No. 1, pp. 50-69
- Ridings, C.M. & D. Gefen (2000), ‘Applying TAM to a Parallel Systems Conversion Strategy’, Journal of Information Technology Theory & Application, Vol.2, No. 2
- Riemenschneider, C.K., D.A. Harrison & P.P. Mykytyn (2003), ‘Understanding IT adoption decisions in small business: integrating current theories’, Information & Management, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 269-285
- Roberts,P. & R. Henderson (2000), ‘Information technology acceptance in a sample of government employees: A test of the technology acceptance model’, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 427-443
- Rose,G. & D. Straub (1998), ‘Predicting General IT Use: Applying TAM to the Arabic World’, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 39-46
- Schaijk,P. van, J.A. Bettany-Saltikov & J.G. Warren (2002),‘Clinical acceptance of a low-cost portable system for postural assessment’, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.21, No. 1, pp. 47-57
- Schubert, P. (2002), ‘Extended Web Assessment Method (EWAM): evaluation of electronic commerce applications from the customer's viewpoint’, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 51-80
- Selim,H.M. (2003), ‘An empirical investigation of student acceptance of course websites’, Computers& Education, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 343-360
- Souza Dias, D. de (1998), ‘Managers’ motivation for using information technology’, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 98, No. 7, pp. 338-342
- Stafford,M.R. & B. Stern (2002), ’Consumer bidding behavior on internet auction sites’, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 135-150
- Straub,D.W., M. Limayem & E. Karahanna-Evaristo (1995), 'Measuring System Usage: Implications for IS Theory Testing', Management Science, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 1328-1342
- Straub,D., M. Keil & W. Brenner (1997), ‘Testing the technology acceptance model across cultures: A three country study', Information & Management, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 1-11
- Subramanian,G.H. (1994), ‘A Replication of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use Measurement’, Decision Sciences, Vol. 25, No. 5/6, pp. 863-874
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- Taylor,S. & P. Todd (1995), 'Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models', Information Systems Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 144-176
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- Venkatesh,V. (1999), ‘Creation of Favorable User Perceptions: Exploring the Role of Intrinsic Motivation’, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 239-260
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- Venkatesh,V. & F.D. Davis (2000), ‘A Theoretical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies’, Management Science, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 186-204
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