Personal website of Guus Pijpers
Articles - Artikel - Artículos - Articles - 記事 - 文章
Author of a large number of articles on information
Get the latest insights on information. Explore the articles. Most of them are freely available for download.
- Digitale nalatenschap, Volkskrant, 24 september 2024
- Digitaliseren vereist informatiseren, CDO Magazine, #1, 2017
- Bouwen met informatie, CIO Magazine, #3, 2016
- Waar zijn de goede regisseurs? - Sturen met informatie, CIO Magazine, #3, 2013
- Vliegtuigspotters en fans van de Rolling Stones - Over persoonlijke informatieverzamelingen, Keynote, 1, februari 2013
- Analytics geanalyseerd, CIO Magazine, #3, 2012
- Heel groot en heel klein - Big data en quantum informatie, TIEM, 44, maart 2012
- Kwantuminformatie - Kwantumcomputer als vervanger van klassieke computer, Informatie, 53(2), maart 2012
Books - Bücher - Libros - Livres - 書籍 - 書
Author of a large number of books
Books are in English and in Dutch on subjects like information overload, information management, information behavior, and information and our brain. Explore free chapters, reviews, praise and much more.On Stage - Präsentationen - Presentaciones - Présentations - プレゼンテーション - 簡報
Always a memorable experience, a presentation of the renowned expert of information and its deployment and use in business and society.
I talk, among others, about information workers and their information behavior, how to better use your brains when dealing with information, how to increase your productivity, and how to do more with less information.